
| 22/05/2024

Tabela do verbo to be: aprenda a conjugar

Se você busca uma tabela do verbo to be, é por que quer uma consulta rápida sobre as formas de conjugação, certo?

Pois é exatamente isso que temos para apresentar a você neste texto.

Separamos três tabelas, que mostram o uso do verbo to be na língua inglesa no tempo presente, passado e futuro.

É só salvar o post nos seus favoritos para voltar aqui sempre que precisar.

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Tabela do verbo to be: simple present

No simple present, ou presente simples, am, is e are são as flexões do verbo to be.

Acompanhe a tabela que traz as formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa, além das abreviações que se aplicam:

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
I am I’m I am not Am I…?
You are You’re You are not You aren’t Are you…?
He is He’s He is not He isn’t Is he…?
She is She’s She is not She isn’t Is she…?
It is It’s It is not It isn’t Is it…?
We are We’re We are not We aren’t Are we…?
You are You’re You are not You aren’t Are you…?
They are They’re They are not They aren’t Are they…?

Veja exemplos:

  • I am a teacher. (Eu sou professor.)
  • You are a student. (Você é estudante.)
  • He is a doctor. (Ele é médico.)
  • She is an engineer. (Ela é engenheira.)
  • It is a cat. (Isso é um gato.)
  • We are friends. (Nós somos amigos.)
  • You are happy. (Vocês estão felizes.)
  • They are musicians. (Eles são músicos.)

Tabela do verbo to be: simple past

No simple past, ou passado simples, o verbo to be flexiona como was e were.

Veja como fica a conjugação ao afirmar, negar e interrogar:

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
I was I was not I wasn’t Was I…?
You were You were not You weren’t Were you…?
He was He was not He wasn’t Was he…?
She was She was not She wasn’t Was she…?
It was It was not It wasn’t Was it…?
We were We were not We weren’t Were we…?
You were You were not You weren’t Were you…?
They were They were not They weren’t Were they…?

Veja exemplos:

  • I was at the park. (Eu estava no parque.)
  • You were happy yesterday. (Você estava feliz ontem.)
  • He was tired after work. (Ele estava cansado após o trabalho.)
  • She was in the library. (Ela estava na biblioteca.)
  • It was a sunny day. (Foi um dia ensolarado.)
  • We were excited about the trip. (Nós estávamos animados com a viagem.)
  • You were very helpful. (Vocês foram muito prestativos.)
  • They were at the concert. (Eles estavam no concerto.)

Tabela do verbo to be: simple future

Por fim, temos o simple future, ou futuro simples, no qual todas as flexões do verbo to be são will be.

Observe na tabela, mais uma vez, as conjugações afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa:

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
I will be I’ll be I will not be I won’t be Will I be…?
You will be You’ll be You will not be You won’t be Will you be…?
He will be He’ll be He will not be He won’t be Will he be…?
She will be She’ll be She will not be She won’t be Will she be…?
It will be It’ll be It will not be It won’t be Will it be…?
We will be We’ll be We will not be We won’t be Will we be…?
You will be You’ll be You will not be You won’t be Will you be…?
They will be They’ll be They will not be They won’t be Will they be…?

Veja exemplos:

  • I will be a teacher. (Eu serei professor.)
  • You will be a great leader. (Você será um grande líder.)
  • He will be famous. (Ele será famoso.)
  • She will be a scientist. (Ela será cientista.)
  • It will be amazing. (Será incrível.)
  • We will be at the party. (Nós estaremos na festa.)
  • You will be successful. (Vocês terão sucesso.)
  • They will be here soon. (Eles estarão aqui em breve.)

Exercícios para praticar o verbo to be

Que tal alguns exercícios práticos para ajudar a fixar o uso do verbo “to be” nas formas simples presente, passado e futuro?

Continuar praticando é fundamental para dominar o uso desse verbo essencial no inglês!

1. Preencha as frases com a forma correta do verbo “to be”

  1. I ____ a student. (presente)
  2. She ____ at home yesterday. (passado)
  3. They ____ doctors in the future. (futuro)
  4. You ____ very happy today. (presente)
  5. He ____ not tired last night. (passado)

Respostas: am / was / will be / are / was.

2. Transforme as frases afirmativas em negativas

  1. I am a teacher.
  2. They were at the park.
  3. She will be here tomorrow.
  4. He is very busy.
  5. We were on time.

Respostas: I am not a teacher. / They were not (weren’t) at the park. / She will not (won’t) be here tomorrow. / He is not (isn’t) very busy. / We were not (weren’t) on time.

3. Transforme as frases afirmativas em perguntas

  1. You are a student.
  2. She was at home.
  3. They will be ready.
  4. He is a doctor.
  5. We were friends.

Respostas: Are you a student? / Was she at home? / Will they be ready? / Is he a doctor? / Were we friends?

4. Corrija os erros comuns nas frases

  1. He are a good person.
    They was at the concert.
    I will being a teacher.
    She were very happy.
    We is at the park.

Respostas: He is a good person. / They were at the concert. / I will be a teacher. / She was very happy. / We are at the park.

5. Complete as frases com a versão correta do verbo “to be” no presente, passado ou futuro

  1. I ____ (am/was/will be) very busy right now.
  2. They ____ (are/were/will be) at the cinema last night.
  3. We ____ (are/were/will be) on vacation next week.
  4. She ____ (is/was/will be) a great singer.
  5. It ____ (is/was/will be) a wonderful experience.

Respostas: am / were / will be / is / was.

Tudo dominado sobre o verbo to be com as tabelas que apresentamos?

Para ir além, aqui vão duas dicas:

  1. Siga praticando
  2. Não pare de estudar.

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